17 Questions Regarding Raoul Wallenberg

submitted to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation

Guy von Dardel, Susanne Berger, Ari D. Kaplan, Mawin W. Makinen, & Susan E. Mesinai
(former consultants and members of the Russian-Swedish Working Group)

Independent Investigation into the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg, Inc.
332 Bleecker Street K-65, New York, New York 10014

  1. If Raoul Wallenberg was alive after 1947, he would most likely have become a secret prisoner in isolation. Such prisoners were assigned either a false identity or a number. Who were the convicted prisoners incarcerated in the Vladimir Prison under the Nos. 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 sentenced by Special Tribunal (OSO) between the Spring of 1947 and May, 1948. Please, make their files available to researchers. Please provide also information of whether numbered prisoners were held in other Soviet prisons and make those documents available to independent consultants and researches.
  2. What happened on July 17, 1947? If Raoul Wallenberg died, how did it happen? If he was executed, who took the decision? And in that case, where is he buried? If he was held in isolation, where are the relevant documents? In relation to this date, what were the contents of the letter Abakumov wrote to Molotov on July 17, 19477 Where is the letter?
  3. Russian members of the Swedish-Russian Working Group on the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg reported that Willi Rodel, Raoul Wallenberg's cellmate in the Lefortovo Prison in 1947, died of natural causes en route from Moscow to Krasnogorsk on October 15, 1947. However, recent publications from Russia cite documents still held within the FSB indicating that Rodel was executed by order of Serov, the first Chairman of the KGB. If Russian members of the Working Group intentionally provided misleading information in the mid-1990s about the fate of Willi Radel, there is no basis to believe that they have been truthful about the fate of Raoul Wallenberg. Provide access to all records and documents pertaining to Raoul Wallenberg, W~lli Radel, and Vilmos Langfelder.
  4. Who were the foreign prisoners in solitary confinement in 1960 in Korpus 2 of the Vladimir Prison described by Varvara lvanovna Larina and Aleksandr Timofeiyevich Kukin, former employees of the prison; and in 1970 by Josip Terelya, a former prisoner, also in Korpus 2 of the Vladimir Prison? Please. provide all documentation of their imprisonment in Vladimlr, including their registration cards and cell occupancy data. The relevant documents of these prisoners have been removed from the karioteka of the Vladimir Prison, as demonstrated through the database cell occupancy analysis carried out by Ari Kaplan and Marvin Makinen, as consultants to the Swedish-Russian Working Group.
  5. In 1956 a Soviet citizen by the name of Shiryagin in Kharkov wrote to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claiming to have important information about Raoul Wallenberg. Why did the Foreign Ministry request the KGB to silence Shiryagin on this issue? Where is the letter and what are its contents?
  6. Who was Sandor Katona and why was he transferred as a prisoner with Vilmos Langfelder, from the Lefortovo Prison to the Lubianka Prison on July 22, 1947? Please provide full documentation of Katona's arrest and imprisonment.
  7. The Soviet and Russian governments claim that Wallenberg died in 1947. Yet the currency in his possession at the time of arrest was not confiscated within six months of his alleged death, as stipulated by Soviet prison regulations at that time, but was returned to the family in 1989. How did Soviet authorities know what amount they should return? A receipt stating the precise amount taken from Wallenberg should have been placed in his personal file when he arrived in prison. From where was the information obtained for the amount of money to be returned? What happened to Raoul Wallenberg's other personal possessions, his clothes, the contents of his rucksack, and his automobile? Where is the documentation attesting to these possessions taken from him?
  8. What possessions did Raoul Wallenberg take with him from the Lefortovo Prison to the Lubianka Prison in March, 19477 The relevant entry in the official registry of possessions of prisoners in the Lubianka Prison remains censored. What is the reason for this censorship and why was it not revealed to the Swedish-Russian Working Group?
  9. Zigurds Dzidris Kruminsh, the former cellmate of Grigorii Mendeleyevich Mairanovskii, Francis Gary Powers. and Marvin W. Makinen in the Vladimir Prison, stated that he met a Swedish prisoner in Vladimir. List all of Kruminsh's cellmates in the Vladimir Prison, particularly those in Korpus 1 at the time the Gromyko Memorandum was released in February, 1957. Since Kruminsh was pardoned by act of the Supreme Soviet in 1963, documentation of this act and the basis for it must exist within its archives. Please, provide access to these documents.
  10. Itwas reported to the Swedish-Russian Working Group that a total of approximately 120 Swedish nationals have been incarcerated in the Soviet Union since 1917. To ensure that other Swedish prisoners could not be a source of confusion with Raoul Wallenberg, provide a list of all Swedish nationals imprisoned in the Soviet Union, their personal data, with dates of incarceration in prisons, labor camps, and psychiatric hospitals. Please, provide also complete documentation, including personal files, of all Swedish nationals incarcerated in the Vladimir Prison.
  11. Former Soviet Intelligence official lgor Prelin, as well as other former Soviet officials, have repeatedly alluded to information that they claim originates directly from the interrogations of Vilmos Langfelder. Where are these interrogation records and why have they not been shared with Swedish officials? In a reply to the Hungarian government in 1957 the Soviet government claimed that Langfelder died in March. 1948. What were the circumstances of his death and where are the official records documenting his death?
  12. The Soviet and Russian governments claim that Raoul Wallenberg died in the Lubianka Prison of a myocardial infarct on July 17, 1947. The report was supposedly written by A. Smoltsov, head of the Lubianka Medical Services. However, it is known that as of March 21, 1947, Smoltsov was on medical leave because of illness. This information was given by Smoltsov's son, whom Swedish officials were not allowed to interview. What are the precise dates and circumstances of Smoltsov's illness and employment in 1947? Also, please provide access to Smoltsov's personal file which has not been made available to the Swedish-Russian Working Group.
  13. While the American Esav I.Oggins was in a Moscow prison, the head of the MGB, Viktor Abakumov, suggested to Stalin in May, 1947, that the United States Embassy in Moscow be informed that Oggins had died of tuberculosis in Norilsk. However, researchers learned that Oggins was actually transferred from Moscow in late 1946 and died in the Internal Prison in Penza. Soviet and Russian officials have repeatedly pointed to similarities between the Oggins and Wallenberg cases. Therefore, please provide all proof of transport of Oggins from Moscow to Penza, including all relevant Convoy Troop records. Also, provide the correct cause and date of Oggins' death.
  14. In 1961 Dr. Nanna Svartz of Sweden reported that her Soviet colleague Dr. A. L. Myasnikov, whom she had previously met on several occasions at international medical conferences, revealed to her during a meeting that he had direct knowledge of Raoul Wallenberg's presence in the Soviet Union. A second physician, Dr. Grigory Danishevsky, was also present during part of the conversation. Please provide all reports of Drs. Myasnikov and Danishevsky to Soviet authorities about their encounter with Dr. Svartz. In May, 1965, the Central Committee of the CPSU approved an official reply to be given to Dr. Svartz. The notations on the document show that the Myasnikov/Svartz issue was also discussed by a full session of the Politburo. Disclose the information that is contained in the documentation that was preparatory to the meetings of the Central Committee and the Politburo.
  15. The Russian government continues to restrict direct access to many files and archival collections that are directly relevant to the investigation of Wallenberg's fate. This includes the investigative and personal files of several prisoners known to be connected with the Wallenberg case; administrative records and special registries of Soviet Ministries and prisons; special papers of the highest decision-making level of the Soviet government, e. g., the Politburo and the Central Committee of the CPSU; and records from Russian intelli- gence services, including the Foreign and Military Intelligence Archives, concerning details of Raoul Wallenberg's activities in Hungary and the reasons for his arrest. Restriction of access to these records remains a major impediment to clarifying the fate of Raoul Wallenberg and the reasons for his arrest ordered by Bulganin on January 15,1945.
  16. Where are the documents relating to the discussion in 1956 between Vladimirov, the Soviet diplomat and KGB official, and Frey, the Finnish diplomat, in Turkey? On what other occasions has the Soviet government made direct or indirect suggestions to the Swedish government about a possible exchange for Raoul Wallenberg? Wolfgang Vogel, the former East German lawyer instrumental in many exchanges of East and West prisoners, has admitted that he did once have the assignment from the Soviet government to discuss the possibility of an exchange for Wallenberg. These discussions were mediated to the Swedish government by the late Karl Svingel. Where is the documentation about these discussions?
  17. Exactly when were the names of Raoul Wallenberg, Vilmos Langfelder, Sandor Katona, and Aladjan- Aladjani blotted out in the KGB prison registry journals, under whose direction, and for what reason? Were names of other prisoners similarly blotted out from registry journals, e.g., names of Karl Schandl, Tibor Klement, and Lazlo Pap, who were incarcerated as numbered prisoners in the Vladimir Prison and were from Hungary, and if so, for what reason?

Individuals to whom questions should be addressed :

  • Mr. Jonas Hafstrdm
    Embassy of Sweden
    2900 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20007
  • Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
    Prime Minister Russian Federation
    Staraya Ploshchad, 4 Moscow 103132 Russia

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