Previous Raoul Wallenberg Award Tributes
The Raoul Wallenberg Awards have been awarded periodically to a select number of individuals, organizations and communities. The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States, first presented The Raoul Wallenberg a Hero for Our Time Award in 1985, and later the Committee presented The Raoul Wallenberg Civic Courage Award to the city of Cour d'Alene, Idaho; the country of Denmark, the City of Billings, Montana, and city of New York for the heroes of September 11.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony 2009
Raoul Wallenberg Committee Chair, Rachel Oestreicher Bernheim, was a featured panelist on the topic: The Holocaust - The Rescued and the Rescuers at the United Nation’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony.
HEROES to the CORE 2008
This year, as it has been every year since 1999, The Raoul Wallenberg Committee’s A STUDY OF HEROES, has been featured in both workshops and exhibits at Core Knowledge National Conferences. This year was no exception.
The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States
37 West 26th Street, Suite 403, New York, NY 10010 • 646.678.3711 •