The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States (“The RWC”) was established in May 1981 to educate the American public about the heroic and humanitarian actions taken by Raoul Wallenberg. During the holocaust, he saved the lives of more than 100,000 men, women and children. Today, Raoul Wallenberg’s name is known around the world, and he is honored by nations spanning the globe. Much of his recognition has come about because of the work of the United States Committee.
The Raoul Wallenberg Committee (“The RWC”) of the United States is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-partisan and non-sectarian organization that is dedicated to educating the world about Wallenberg’s selfless and brilliant deeds during World War II; to his fate, following his illegal arrest and imprisonment in 1945; and to the example his courage and humanitarianism that each of us must strive to emulate in our own life. Knowledge of this Swedish hero is a truly precious legacy that must be passed on to future generations.
We fulfill our mission:
• By helping fund the efforts to determine Raoul Wallenberg’s actual fate;
• Through the national and international distribution of the Committee’s “living monument to Raoul Wallenberg’s humanitarian values, deeds of courage, and nonviolent heroism”; A STUDY OF HEROES. This unique interdisciplinary multicultural curriculum is designed to help students of all ages (K-12+, Adult) improve their academic skills while learning the importance of ethics, values, and non-negotiable integrity. Students appreciate how each person’s actions can make a difference;
• By bestowing The Raoul Wallenberg Award and the Civic Courage Award on individuals, organizations and communities reflecting Raoul Wallenberg's humanitarian spirit, personal courage and nonviolent action in the face of enormous odds;
• By maintaining archives and providing information and expert services through our Wallenberg related research center and Stones Program to researchers, the media, individuals, organizations, and governments inquiring about the story of Raoul Wallenberg.